
TextField is an input field that users can type into.

Hint label


This component should use the HTML <input> element under the hood.

#Hover state

Indicates that the input is interactive when hovered with the mouse.

#Active state

Indicates that the input is currently being activated.

#Focus state

Indicates that the focus in the document is currently on the input.

For the sake of aesthetics, it can be tempting to remove default browser focus styles with outline: 0;

Do not do this before adding your own custom focus styles!

#Disabled state

Indicates that the input is not interactive.

If necessary, used in combination with a Tooltip to provide a brief explanation on hover.

#Read-only state

Indicates that the input cannot be modified. However, the user can still tab to it, highlight it, and copy text from it.

Usually, this is used when the user has already submitted the form but can still view it as read-only.

#Error state

Indicates that the data entered into the input is not valid.

The input should visually change color, and be associated with an error message.

#Icon support

Icons can be useful to either describe the purpose of the input, or provide additional functionality.

For example, a search input could have a magnifying glass icon to indicate searchability.

Or, an autocomplete input could provide a button with a cross icon to clear the current value.


There are three types of labels commonly used along with the input: field label, hint label, and error label.

Field labels appear above the input, and are used to describe the purpose of the input.

Hint labels appear below the input, and provide additional instructions or context that the field label may not convey.

Hint label

Error labels appear below the input, replacing the hint label, and provide feedback about the entered user input.

Error label

#Best practices

#Provide a placeholder

When the input is empty, show a placeholder value with a relevant example. This helps nudge users towards entering correctly formatted data.

For example, prefer "joe.doe@gmail.com" instead of "Your e-mail address" for an email input.

#Associate the input with a field label

While placeholders provide valuable guidance for users, they are not a replacement for field labels.

Placeholders aren't visible to the user once the field has been filled in, nor are they announced by screen readers.

#Use a hint label for clarification

In most cases, a field label is enough for the user to understand the purpose of the input. However, hint labels can be used to address concerns that users may have, or provide additional context.

For example, an e-mail input can provide a hint label to clarify usage of the e-mail:

Your e-mail will not be used for newsletters.

#Validate input

When validating input, be mindful of when the user is finished interacting with the field before displaying an error message.

For complex input such as new passwords, instant inline validation will prevent users from guesswork and reduce the amount of errors.

Whereas for simpler input such as email, where the expected data is more obvious, avoid showing the error until the user has finished typing.

#Indicate required fields

A common pattern to indicate required fields would be to use the HTML required attribute along with an asterisk (*).

However, if most of the fields are required in the given form, marking the rest of the fields as optional can be visually less cluttering.


#Numeric inputs

To accept numeric inputs, you would commonly use <input type="number">.

This has some non-trivial drawbacks related to the input not being fully accessible, certain browsers rounding or converting very large numbers, and generally having a sub-optimal user experience.

Instead, consider using a text input with the HTML pattern attribute like so:

<input type="text" inputmode="numeric" pattern="[0-9]*">

For additional context, you can read why the GOV.UK design system team changed the input type for numbers.

#Wrapping <input> with a <label>

This is a common technique to implicitly associate the <label> with the <input> without using the HTML for attribute.

<input type="email" />

However, this can produce unexpected results such as activating the input while clicking on empty space or any other elements nested inside the <label>.

In most cases, you would probably explicitly associate the elements. Besides, you can abstract the generation of id's away inside the component, so that anyone using it does not have to think about it!


#Provide a <label> element

A <label> element should be associated with the <input> element so that:

  • Clicking on the <label> will focus on the input, providing a larger hit area for mobile users.
  • Screen readers will read out the label when the input is focused, making it easier for an assistive technology user to understand what data should be entered.
<label for="email">Email</label>
<input type="email" name="email" id="email" />

In some cases, the purpose of the input may be clear enough on its own. If so, the label can be hidden visually, but needs to remain accessible for users using assistive technologies.

#Announce the error

In addition to visually notifying about the error, make sure to provide feedback to users using assistive technologies.

If an error is displayed, you should:

<label for="password">Password</label>
<small id="error">Password must include an uppercase letter.</small>

This will ensure that the error message is announced by screen readers.

#Announce the hint

If an hint label is displayed along with the input, make sure to associate the hint with the <input> element:

<label for="email">Email</label>
<small id="hint">Your e-mail won't appear publicly.</small>

Similar to an error, this will provide feedback to users using assistive technologies.

#Input zooming on iOS devices

iOS devices will slightly zoom into the input when the font size is less than 16px.

If this turns out to be a problem, you may want to increase the font size of the input on mobile devices.